One of my favorite classes is named Design Sketching. Sketching for industrial designers

It´s a tool that helps to create visual stories, solve complex design problems, generate concepts and refine ideas. It is also a means by which you can record your design process as a blog to have a record and assess the evolution of an idea that still does not manifest itself physically. It is the designer’s dialogue with his or her thoughts. It is s a rough visual representation or something without details. One of its principal features is the speed with which it is executed, and it shows only the most important aspects of the design that is in process.

Another fundamental feature of sketches is that they are capable of triggering processes in the same way as written language. Through the act of writing, we can analyse, remember and explore.

Among the most used tools seen in class is the representation of objects in perspective, simplification from the identification of present geometries in the objects that we want to represent, the proper handling of the pencil for better precision of the stroke (we shouldn´t use measuring or precision tools) and the proper use of strokes for an optimal representation to the naked eye of the viewer.

I consider it a very interesting class because it stimulates and exercises our visión, It forces us to see beyond the simple appearance of objects, it creates a new vision that seeks to analyze and synthesize the information we observe.


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