It’s difficult for me to decide which is really my favorite piece of technology, I think about my phone and the time I spend entertaining myself with it, learning, or taking photographs, I like it but I know that the connection that someone tends to have with a cell phone is one of addiction, so I don’t think it’s okey to choose something by simple idealization. I think that there's a lot of difference between my cell phone and my other favorite piece of technology, with both of them I've learned and growing as a person, but the one that has really leaves a mark on me, and helped me to grow up in certain aspect has been my sewing machine.

It was originally one of the first sewing machines that my mother had, but over time she began to buy other machines clearly with more advanced technology. At the beginning of 2020 I decided to learn to sew and fix my clothes in a more optimal way as I always wanted, one day I asked my mom if I could use the sewing machine and she told me to keep it, I had absolutely no idea how to use it, I just knew that the pedal was the one that gave the power to sew the fabric, I'm not gonna lie, the first two times I tried to sew I broke two machine needles and I never told my mom. I decided to search for information before some other accident happened, and I found very practical tutorials about how to learn, after this research I was able to discover that the system of all sewing machines is nearly universal, I managed to identify certain parts and steps necessary to be able to use it.

the first pieces of clothing I tried to create or fix were a failure, it weren’t well sewn and some time later they came off, there was a time when I stopped trying, but over time my need to learn reappeared, after constant practice I managed to master the technique very well and every time it was easier for me to get the ideas I had in mind, so I was challenging myself more and more with clothes or accessories that were more complicated to produce.

Currently I believe that my life without a tool as necessary as a sewing machine would probably be very complicated or unpleasant for me. I am used to getting the most potencial of my clothes, as well as the clothes that I buy, and I feel that without my machine I would not be taking out the potential it have for me.

Maybe I'm not always aware of this, but I think that learning to sew has helped me feel more comfortable and self-confident, I love clothes, its versatility and how it talk about each one, I love being able to adapt the clothes to my body, to my comfort and my confidence, not have to feel insecure trying to adapt my body to the stereotypes that society tells me I should reach. I think that since I began to learn about this world of fashion, its techniques, its history, materials, its industry, I have been able to visualize how we promote this type of violence when we buy fast fashion, not only violence towards their workers, but also towards our bodies. More than a year ago I decided not to buy any more clothes in stores or malls, and I started buying only second-hand clothes, it’s much cheaper and also gives me the possibility to find clothes that can be used to do something else with it.


  1. Oh!, this post is so cuute!, it's nice to read the love you have about the clothes, In certain way I do the same, i'm also bought clothes of second-hand and I have a mould that i use for making more like of something i would use. unless like you, the first time I interact with a sewing machine, I used to sneak to my aunt house and use it like a car (you know, the really old ones...). It was so nice to read this! I love it!

  2. In my house are some sewing machine, because my mom make clothes, but almost never I sit at sewing, ever captured my attention.

    1. Maybe because my mom sewing since I have memorie (I forgot write this😅)

  3. Hi valentina, when I was little I liked to see how my mom fixed my clothes with the sewing machine, and when I grew up I wanted to learn but the machine was ruined and so I lost my desire.


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