Children's creativity is something that most adults find surprising, their attitude of discovery and how they see the world is conditioned by their constant need to understand what surrounds them. They commit with their ignorance instead of ignoring it, and with their desire to explore and question their ideas, they often seek to make mistakes to discover something new. Children do not care how others perceive and evaluate their ideas, much less if those ideas  works in the real world. Adults are a completely opposite case, from the moment they enter to the school system, they gradually and unconsciously repress their imaginative ability to perceive things. Beginning to receive diverse knowledge about the culture and the world that surrounds us during most of our childhood and adolescence makes our imagination develop based on that information, limiting us in personal and social aspects.

Tim Brown during a ted talk about creativity and design, talks about how important it's to encourage and unleash our innate creativity when we want to project a design or an idea, talks about how essential it's to develop the process from a playful perspective, from the liberation of our inner child, from the game experience in order to achieve great and creative solutions. According to him, the process of exploration and experimentation in design is a powerful tool and must be completely internalized within each one. But in what way is it possible to erradicate from oneself all the customs that we know and govern us, and manage to escape from the natural way we think? How to stop limiting yourself when you´re creating?

To achieve a kind of experience close or similar to the experience of a child, the habit of constantly trying to categorize everything that is perceived from our environment must be uprooted as much as posible, deconstruct the way which the information stored in our brain is used in order to understand what is being seen. A child not understanding the why of things opens up to all kinds of possibilities to discover it through questions and exploratory games. What is this? What can I do with this? These are questions that perfectly conceptualize how a child manages to devise a way to play with any object that is within their environment.

"Playing is not anarchy" clarifies Brown. A good artist will be able to find ways to connect and complement exploration with production during the process of creating. A good artist will be able to find ways to connect and complement exploration with production during the process of creating.

a good artist is capable of surrendering to experience, to the opportunity to play in order to create, by stopping judging their ideas and trying to edit them, by not feeling ashamed to expose their imagination and convictions, but to feel confidence at playing time and confidence when you're creating, because that is how it's possible to transform the work of design and art into a true profession.


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