Talking about this makes me want to see my photo gallery with beautiful and special moments of my life, I feel like this should cause a photograph that is important to you, make you remember how you felt at that specific time in your life, and treasure that.

The photograph I chose was taken by an anonymous person during the 2020 women's day commemoration. In it I appear with my friends sitting on top of a bus stop on Av. Alameda. we had decided to participate in the march that year in a more commemorative and meaningful way for all of us.

We had this idea of ​​simulating a kind of duel with veils, black clothes and fake blood spilled on our bodies to represent the true pain that women in Chile experience with all the murders we suffer every day. We create canvases painted with the names of certain women who have been murdered or abused in Chile to be able to remember them and honor their lives.

This photo contains and represents very special things for me: Feminism as a large part and representation of who I am as a person and as a woman, and my bond with incredible women that the university has given me.

Sincerely, having been able to do this with them meant a lot to me, they’re people that I really admire and esteem after all the time that I’ve spent with them. I think the photo makes me perfectly appreciate all these emotions, I remember that day when I got home I received many messages on Instagram from people who saw us that day and had taken photos of us, within all those photos (they were quite a few and very beautiful too) was this one that has become my favorite so far. I really hope to be able to return next March 8 to this beautiful commemoration, it's very important and meaningful to me


  1. Hi Valentina! I love this photo. The 8M is very important to me too (well i think for all women). I like the energy and empowerment that your photography transmits. the experience of attending the women's day commemoration is inexplicable, I hope to go next year. (✿◡‿◡)


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