I´m pretty sure that I don´t have memories about something I had dreamed to be as a child, I always loved art, but I didn´t have a really especial environment in which I felt safe to transform this passion into what I would be in the future. I lived surrounded by prejudices and misconceptions of success until I finished my high school.

During my last year of high school, I was interested about studying architecture, I only knew that it included the field of art and, on the other side, mathematics too, which was something that I also enjoyed studying.

My decision took a drastic twist the day I knew my PSU results, I think it was one of the few moments until that day that I was proud of the effort I made to achieve a score that has opened many opportunities for my future. I had different options, among them architecture in some private universities, I never thought about the possibility of studying at a state university because of the high scores they requested, It wasn't until that moment that I thought about examined certain careers that at some point of my life I thought about studying, In this case the career of Design  , so I realized that the score I get was enough to be able to apply to the University of Chile, I couldn´t believe it. 

It was a very difficult decision, all the prejudices came to my mind, that so unfortunate thought of ​​the money that I should earn when I starting to work, I thought about how little influential was Design in Chile, and in which field I would be successful. I decided to enter the University of Chile just for the prestige, a vision so empty compared to what I feel now about my career. I went from worrying about my monetary future to feeling grateful that I could study something that is transforming me into a person able of making a change in this world, be able to know how it works and in which spaces it's necessary to create a change, to know about ideologies or lifestyles, and how designers are necessary to be able to manage a real change for a better future. Knowing all these kinds of things also helped me to question everything I had learned up until that moment, It meant being able to get out of my bubble of privileges and comforts, and start to change as a person, to know myself and to realize what things was truly satisfying and passionate to me. Currently I dream of working on something that implies or contributes a change to the future. I think that I have so many likings with different approaches, but knowing that everyone is going in a morally acceptable direction for me makes me feel very great and sure of what I will be in the future.


  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Hi Valentina, I hope you're well.
    I have lived closely what you mention. It's unfortunate that people have an opinion about what you want to study, their prejudices hurt us a lot. I'm sorry that you have gone through this and that it has affected your decision to study arts, the same thing happened to a friend of mine. She always dreamed of studying Arts, but she was told things like "you'll starve to death" so she chose to study Architecture and that's where I met her. Last year she dropped out and even though she didn't have the support of her family, today she's very happy studying Arts at UC.
    I'm glad that today you're happy with what you're studying and that you have left behind the prejudices of others. <3


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